Self-referential data structures

Most data structures in Python can hold arbitrary heterogenous data. This is because the underlying C structures contain pointers to other locations in memory. For example, a Python list is implemented in C as an array of pointers.

A perhaps startling consequence is that a mutable data structure - such as a list - can contain itself as an element:

>>> lst = [1, 2, 3]
>>> lst.append(lst)
>>> lst
[1, 2, 3, [...]]
>>> lst[-1] is lst

A self-referential data structure, though somewhat obscure, can be more compact. As a use case, let’s consider the familiar exercise of a Markov chain text generator.

Given a string, we construct a list of consecutive pairs - or bigrams - of words that appear. For each unique bigram, its second word may be the first word in multiple other bigrams. We randomly choose one such bigram, and repeat the process. The sequence of words encountered in this random series of jumps through the text constitutes the Markov text.

First, we define a function to make a data structure that allows for random traversal:

def make_chain(raw_text):
    words = raw_text.split()

    chain = {}

    bigrams = list(zip(words[:-1], words[1:])) + [(words[-1], words[0])]

    for i, bigram in enumerate(bigrams):
        next_bigram = bigrams[(i + 1) % len(bigrams)]

        chain.setdefault(next_bigram, {})
        link = chain.setdefault(bigram, {})
        next_links = link.setdefault(bigram, [])

    return chain

chain is self-referential because the append method, which adds to a list inside chain, takes as argument a component of chain itself. We can gain more insight with a small example:

>>> chain = make_chain('a a a b')
>>> bigram = ('a', 'a')
>>> link = chain[bigram]
>>> link
{('a', 'a'): [{...}, {('a', 'b'): [{('b', 'a'): [{...}]}]}]}
>>> link[bigram][0] is link

link is a dictionary of one key-value pair. The key is a bigram, and the value is a list of dictionaries, each having the same structure as link. Though the structure is finite, we can “descend” into it indefinitely. This suggests a simple strategy for random traversal:

def make_text(chain):

    link = random.choice(list(chain.values()))

    text = ""

    while len(text) < 140:
        bigram = list(link.keys())[0]
        text = text + bigram[0] + " "
        link = random.choice(link[bigram])

    return text

Let’s generate a random text based on a famous work of literature:

>>> s = """
... Beautiful is better than ugly.
... Explicit is better than implicit.
... Simple is better than complex.
... Complex is better than complicated.
... Flat is better than nested.
... Sparse is better than dense."""

>>> chain = make_chain(s)
>>> make_text(chain)
'than ugly. Explicit is better than implicit. Simple is better than ugly. Explicit is better than nested. Sparse is better than complicated. '

To be sure, compared to the usual implementations of Markov text generation, this version is quite inscrutable. It is to be taken as a proof of principle. You should almost always avoid self-referential data structures in production code!