A recursive function that does not call itself

Consider the standard implementation of factorial:

>>> fact = lambda n: 1 if n < 2 else n * fact(n - 1)
>>> fact(5)

The lambda expression creates anonymous or inline functions in Python. However, here we are effectively naming the function by assigning it to the variable fact. This assignment is necessary because the function itself refers to fact, which means we cannot use this function inline.

If we insist on a truly anonymous version of factorial, it helps to think of self-reference not as a defining feature of recursion, but an implementation detail. It is merely a very convenient way to apply the same function on progressively smaller inputs. Without self-reference, we need a different way to talk about the same function. The trick is to create an enclosing scope and pass in the function itself:

>>> fact = lambda f: lambda n: 1 if n < 2 else n * f(f)(n - 1)

In the outer scope, f refers to fact, and since it now has an outer scope, f(f) is the inner function, ie, the actual computation. Hence we have to call fact as follows:

>>> fact(fact)(5)

Having removed self-reference, we can replace fact with its value to arrive at an inline factorial:

>>> (lambda f: lambda n: 1 if n < 2 else n * f(f)(n - 1))(
...     lambda f: lambda n: 1 if n < 2 else n * f(f)(n - 1)
... )(5)

While achieving the goal of a recursive function that does not call itself, the above example contains two copies of the factorial logic and the awkward f(f).

Let’s first remedy the latter problem by introducing a decorator function:

y_1 = lambda fact: lambda f: lambda n: fact(f(f))(n)

fact = y_1(lambda f: lambda n: 1 if n < 2 else n * f(n - 1))

The decorator y_1 allows us to write fact in a more natural way by factoring out the “unwrapping” of the enclosing scope. But as before,

>>> fact(fact)(5)

It is straightfoward to eliminate the double reference by having the decorator do the “passing in” as well:

y_2 = lambda fact: (lambda f: lambda n: fact(f(f))(n))(
    lambda f: lambda n: fact(f(f))(n)

fact = y_2(lambda f: lambda n: 1 if n < 2 else n * f(n - 1))

fact now works as a normal function should:

>>> fact(5)

Note that y_2 has nothing to do with factorials (parameter names are arbitrary). To confirm this, let’s apply it to a version of quicksort:

>>> y_2(
...     lambda f: lambda lst: []
...     if not lst  # base case
...     else f([n for n in lst[1:] if n < lst[0]])
...     + [lst[0]]
...     + f([n for n in lst[1:] if n >= lst[0]])
... )([4, 2, 5, 1, 3]) == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

We see that y_2 is part of a generic recipe to create recursive functions without self-reference. It is an implementation of the Y combinator, which was invented in the context of the lambda calculus, a formal language that does not have variables - so every “program” is basically an inline function call. Remarkably, the Y combinator shows that even such a minimal language is capable of doing recursive computation.