Balance brackets with the call stack

A classic algorithm problem is to determine whether a string containing some sequences of brackets (possibly of different types) is balanced, that is, whether the string is a valid mathematical expression. For example, () is balanced, and )( is not.

The typical solution involves iterating thru the string and maintaining a stack - pushing an opening bracket onto the stack when encountered, and popping it off when the corresponding closing bracket is seen.

But why not, instead of making our own stack, use the call stack? Python’s inspect module allows us to do just that.

import inspect

This module’s stack function returns the call stack from top to bottom, so the previous frame is stack()[1].

We define a function _stack that iterates through a list of characters. Upon seeing an opening bracket, it pushes onto the call stack by calling itself, and in case of a closing bracket, pops by simply returning. By inspecting the previous frame, we ensure that the closing bracket matches the most recent opening bracket, and that there are no opening brackets left on the call stack at the end,

def _stack(chars):
    """Push/pop frames to/from call stack."""
    while chars:
        char = chars.pop(0)
        if char in BRACKETS.values():
            _stack(chars)  # push
        elif char in BRACKETS:
            previous = inspect.stack()[1]
            if (
                previous.function != "_stack"
                or previous.frame.f_locals["char"] != BRACKETS[char]
                raise IndexError
            return  # pop

    if inspect.stack()[1].function == "_stack":  # check no brackets remain
        raise IndexError

where BRACKETS is a mapping of closing to opening brackets:

BRACKETS = {")": "(", "]": "[", "}": "{"}

In the event of an unbalanced expression, _stack raises IndexError, hence we define is_balanced that wraps _stack inside of a try/except:

def is_balanced(string):
    """Check whether brackets in given string balanced."""
    except IndexError:
        return False
        return True

Some test examples:

>>> is_balanced("[]")
>>> is_balanced(")(")
>>> is_balanced("{[}]")
>>> is_balanced("(")